(please dont read this)    I start to sleep by my self without company by my Mam since last Saturday!
It's feeling good, I do have good mood when I wake up in morning.
I say Good Morning to Grand Ma and Grand Pa
and Dad gave me five when he wake up late (that guy is the latest one every morning, can't believe he's also the skinniest!)
Anyway, I did wake up and cried a little at Saturday midnight, but yesterday night I slept quickly and slept all night long.
My mom also seems good because she can sleep better now. 
Why we suddenly decided to let mommy go? This is a good question, we just realized that we can not let mommy sleep on floor, Daddy said there are ants, and Mommy's  button got bite!(dont read this)
-- simon 11:01 31/07/2020

 Month of April
April 19
  1. I finished eating my cake whilst watching YT
  2. I then got my Ipad confiscated, so I slept, which was very needed because of how hard I worked during that school week (french text, SC project, English Maus chapters and complicated SC topics.
  3. After waking up, I went downstairs to my Dad, who gave me a comparison through 2 characters from my favourite military show.
  4. That comparison is how people reach their goals. You can look at your goal in the future and try to get to it, or you can focus on your present. For example, instead of trying to make friends, your end goal, just focus on yourself in the present to be better, by cleaning dishes  finishing your work, etc. If you regret something you did or anything in general, use 10 second rule and only care about it for 10 seconds as it’s useless. Also, be nice to everyone and don’t ever be rude, as being nice is the most amount of attention you should put on someone, being rude or mad towards something/someone isn’t worth your time, even if the person is a total jerk.
-- simon 03:34 21/04/2024
 Month of March 2024
March 10
  1. Got 5 new Wattpad books(Itonaxreader, Snape child and new Chibahaya)and finished the GuyxVelzard son and Luminous Valentines one.
  2. Started re-using team.sharethegoodones.com
  3. It snowed then turned to rain today on the last day of the first week long vacation of the year after no snow for the whole time.
  4. Memorized the English the Shark tank project script.
  5. I have a new love for the Iqiyi new generation songs which are Jbcob and Ksovii with their teachers
March 11
  1. Learned new stuff at pages 32 and 46 in French Mag3 book about narration 
  2. Bought pizza that you couldn’t bring to school since guests arrived and ate entirely the last of the 3 pizzas so you could only pack 2 for the next day.
  3. Laslty, you only read Wattpad and watched Yt Videos so you didn’t complete any French work and there was no Math work, so you got mad at yourself and took it on others by being mad.
March 12
  1. Woke up 30 minutes after schedule so 7:10 in the morning 
  2. Had gotten handcuffs to pretend to be accused in a court but the teacher didn’t say that he had his keys with him so we thought that I was screwed but I didn’t care.
  3. We got a briefing about the new history project that was about debates on specific topics.
  4. I learned about changement chimique, so décomposition, synthèse, oxydation and précipités
-- simon 09:00 13/03/2024
 i started watching american ninja warrior which I had already watched half of it. i watched a lot of competitors until the end. Then, I watched floor is lava season 2 episode 1. The first team passed with 1 survivor, the next with 2 and the last who participated the last season who got no survivor. the top 2 teams then raced off to put 2 rock in a ake volcano. The second team ended up winning.  then, I watched the an episode of the new season of one piece which animated the episode of the antagonist and his crew getting to the sky ocean. after that, I watched technoblade  resumed in an hour long video made by Evanmcgaming then I watched a video of a resume on mrbeast made by curiosity stream. ater that, I watched technoblade dominating 2 tournaments.
-- simon 12:03 23/06/2022
1- every morning do 5 sit-up when you wake up.
2- flutter kick for 20 seconds each time you go to your bedroom
3- do 3 squats each time you go to the kitchen
6- do 2 burpees, one 20 seconds montain-climber and 5 sit-up 
if you want to use your phone on your bed
5- do 5 burpees if you want to watch a movie
4- do 2 push-up (with your knees touching the floor) if you want to sleep on your bed
7- do a wall-sit for 10 second if you are going shopping  
8- do 7 lungees if you want to watch a video
9- do a plank of 10 seconds every dinner
10- run every morning
11- do 3 elbow-to-knee crunch if you want a dessert
12- do a russian twist if you want an ice cappichino
-- simon 14:26 25/12/2020
 Les pronoms dans les prédicats sont des CI(compléments indirects).
Les noms des personnes d'une ville ne s'écrit pas au majuscules

I am watching a video of what if you do not use your hands and
what do you do after university and a christmas truce and 

An Average Day in the Life of Queen Elizabeth II

Crazy True Stories From a Bodyguard

Saying YES To EVERYTHING For 7 Days (Social Experiment)

-- simon 11:56 22/12/2020
 un passé composé n'est pas un attribut.
-- simon 11:02 31/07/2020
Nice to see it's wrote down, the story in this blog happened in 2013/03/06, while now it's 2020/07/01, the world is affected by Covid19 virus, Simon has changed a lot, he's the big boss of basket ball in our family, the big boss of chess, the big boss of dance, the big boss of a lot of things....YOU ARE GROWING UP, MAN:)
-- Sam 06:43 01/07/2020

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