1. gulp                                to starting up a server to test the javascript file in dmp_idsync_js project.
  2. docker_compose up -d  to start up the docker with latest code (I guess it's with latest code, will test it now.)
  3. grunt server                    to start up the front end server Grunt是Anjilar专用的server,总感觉另外建一个server比不上把前后台放在一起来的快,其实不对的,这个grunt server可能就是个静态web server,只负责把anglar一股脑发到浏览器,剩下的request就都是从浏览器直接发到service了。
  4. 显示jar包引入关系树的命令:mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=【包名】:【jar名】
-- Sam 14:06 08/10/2020

Command to connect localhost to gcp redis.
gcloud compute instances create redis-forwarder --machine-type=f1-micro
gcloud compute ssh redis-forwarder -- -N -L 6379:
-- Sam 23:42 07/10/2020
1/ecpm in down area
2/cpa in down area.
4/crt/ecpm/cpa should be average.
-- Sam 11:40 07/10/2020
  1. I created  a serverless connecter, which is located in us east1 and using the default network. (as I checked, this default net work contains a lot of sub net, including center1, east1, and a lot of areas.
  2. then I modify the function to use this as connection, why have to set as east1 ? because the redis is in east1, 
  3. and because of the is also in esat 1, so I can run the command to make local map to remote Redis memory store
    1.  gcloud compute ssh redis-forwarder -- -N -L 6379:{redis' ip}:6379
  4. why I user east1? why not just use center1?---------because if I want to run google sdk command to generate connection to google cloud and map localhost to a remote ip, we need to have a VM like redis-forwarder, (I don't know how to generate this stuff, but someone else has created it, so I can run command in my local, and this VM is set ase east1, so we have to make redis east1, and generate a serverless connecter in east1)
-- Sam 16:58 30/09/2020

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