1. BillPanel是不是应该用View不应该用Fragment?这个等到第二版再优化.毕竟目前能用,只是性能可能稍稍差一点.
  2. order history的记录ID值不对,目前都是2
  3. ID,Time Table。。。这些应该拿到标题栏目,不要放在内容里
  4. 去掉Close button
  5. print 功能呢
  6. 选择item和billPanel的联动
  7. Report 对话盒实现。 
  1. 项目建立
  2. 完成基本功能
    1. 数据库迁移
    2. 三大主要界面迁移(splitPanel暂不迁移)
    3. 证书的生成,认证申请,替换和删除
    4. 用户创建/删除/和修改,以及user document 发送
    5. 打印厨房单
    6. 打印机设置对话盒
    7. 打印临时单
      1. 报错说malformat pdf,这个pdf格式其实是好的,能正常打开的
      2. 我先试试怎么在安卓平板上装个打印机吧,别是这个引起的。
      3. Becky在试验安装打印机的同时,我这里在试验websocket 打印。
        1. 可以确定了啥?
          1. 首先是根据sendMsg构建一个transaction对象
          2. 然后是从这个transaction对象中得到一个json string
          3. 然后是对这个json string 进行签名
          4. 用私有证书序列号和transction对象一起构建一个qrcode
        2. 看起来send json之后没有及时返回
          1. 印象中已经比较过Json的內容了,下一步时更加仔细的比较
          2. 会"全是因为模拟器的原因

    8. 收款和打印收据
    9. 显示单据历史对话盒和打印Refund bill
    10. 显示Report
    11. 显示batch按钮和rePrint按钮
  3. 完成细节功能
    1. 脚注
    2. 编辑菜项的备注
    3. discount和小费
    4. 其他功能

Problem facing:
  1. 为啥调试后,发现com.just.print.database目录下除了twens数据库文件外,还有个别的数据库文件,谁建立的?难道是代码根据配置自动创建的?
  2. 会不是卸载程序时,原先的数据库文件没有删除,只不过卸载后看不到改目录下的内容了而已。(可是尝试单独删除这个文件,重新调试后,又出现,说明不是原先的数据库文件,一定是新建里的,可以调试下看看有没有根据店名创建数据库的操作)
-- Sam 21:59 21/11/2024

 { "reqTrans": { "transActu": {"sectActi": {"abrvt": "RBC","typServ": "TBL","noTabl": "===21","nbClint": "001"},"noTrans": "10000948","nomMandt": "Michel Untel enr.","nomUtil": "Michel Untel","docAdr": {"docNoCiviq": "123-456","docCp": "H2Y1C6"},"relaCommer": "B2C","datTrans": "20240714103748","utc": "-05:00A","items": [ {"qte": "+00001.00","descr": "EGG AND TOMATO 1","unitr": "+000000010.00","prix": "+000000010.00","tax": "FP","acti": "RES"}],"mont": {"avantTax": "+000000010.00","TPS": "+000000000.50","TVQ": "+000000001.00","apresTax": "+000000011.50","ajus": "+000000000.00","mtdu": "+000000011.50","pourb": "+000000000.00"},"noDossFO": "ER0001","noTax": {"noTPS": "567891234RT0001","noTVQ": "5678912340TQ0001"},"commerElectr": "N","typTrans": "ADDI","modPai": "SOB","modImpr": "FAC","formImpr": "PAP","modTrans": "OPE","signa": {"datActu": "20240714103748","actu": "S/X9Ymh/WfhZJTW+CvXp8CfcZogurjglCSRHCYVm3z033N2Hz7skkLPPT4iSsDiKUOsED93N4EbXV6r76g0Ocg==","preced": "========================================================================================"},"emprCertifSEV": "8F319BACD8AC6CBBE238A011FC029D0C9D3727DB","SEV": {"idSEV": "0000000000003372","idVersi": "0000000000003D96","codCertif": "FOB201999999","idPartn": "00000000000012C6","versi": "003.030.0616","versiParn": "0"}}}}
-- Sam 05:41 14/07/2024
还是说要创建user first?----------我记得以前想的结论是先发送bill?不对,我必须先通过user那关,才能到bill那一关,在bill前面还有几个是删除证书。所以要先显示moredialog
-- Sam 06:04 22/06/2024
 there's an issue in the time left checking, and the loginDlg not showedalso certification stored succesfully dialog not showed.
-- Sam 23:13 25/05/2024

 I've done some test so far and found:

  1. I can move the interface to Android
  2. there's many work todo, not clear how much yet.
    1. Activation
      1. change the activation endpoint to
    2. Register(done with the wehelp version, with asdfas, we will create an item in
      1. beside current function (creating db , tables) need to check current certificates,
      2. request certificate
      3. save certificate.
    3. Login dialog
      1. currently we get the matching user out and saved in loginDialog. (maybe should still save in BarFrame to reduce the work.
    4. TablePanel
    5. have a basic interface ready
      1. hte dialog is hard coded, is that OK?
      2. BillPanel not ready

      3. MenuPanel not ready
        1. the columen and row number must be customizable

    6. BilllistPanel
      1. Main interface not ready
    7. SalesPanel
      1. Main interface not ready
    8. SettingPanel
      1. Main interface not ready
  3. JOptionPanel migration(done)
  4. DBMigration(done)
  5. UserDilaog
  6. PrinterDialog
  7. TableAdjustingDialog
  8. SplitPanelOperations
  9. FooterDialog
  10. ModificationDialog
  11. ButtonCustomization
  12. printing.
it's better to complete basic function first, including:
  1. an app which can show table, sales,can print to printer.
  2. an app support customization
    1. user setting up
    2. printer setting up
    3. table setting up
    4. menu setting up
-- Sam 09:42 14/05/2024

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