this will be used to log the knowledge about the maintainence of the websites.
-- Sam 06:30 13/02/2022

 This website is designed to allow "creating a website by only a few click":
  1. register a new client with sharethegoodones as use name, client id as password, then the empty website is created already. with clientid/clienid as default account.
    1. allow to select a default style, we'll set the defalut settings.
      1. really need to have a good interface for demo!!!! what should this interface looks like?
        1. small icon.

    2. allow to choose images for the main pages. that will be nice.
  2. really need to write something about the system, to make it possible for kids to make money with it.
how to connect to it with dbeaver?
-- Sam 11:50 14/03/2022
  1. 网站的server.xml中有个列表,用来根据不同的name(url)来归入不同的host,从而发配到不同的context path去,如:
    1. <Host appBase="hui" autoDeploy="true" name="" unpackWARs="true" xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">  
    2.     <Context docBase="" path="/hui"  reloadable="true" />  
    3.  </Host>   
  2. 可以在godaddy中设置域名转发,把pcolab.com转发到www.pcolab.com这样,当用户输入pcolab.com是,能自动变成,从而能匹配到正确的网页。
  3. 如果这个网站用了cloudflare缓存的话,那么这个域名转发会自动转入cloudflare中变成一条A record。但是这个A record的作用是当输入这个域名时,转到某个ip,对我的程序来说,转到IP是不够的的,因为会可能显示成其他客人的网站。所以要在cloudflare中重新设置一个“规则”(在左侧菜单栏中,DNS菜单的下方很朝下的位置。) 把 转成
-- Sam 06:40 13/02/2022

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