  1. what is headless CMS?--headless means contents can adapt to more devices types...
  2. what is page based and object based structure? 
  3. how are the services deployed onto gcp?
-- Sam 09:40 10/05/2021
-- Sam 06:21 10/05/2021
-- Sam 05:20 05/05/2021
  1.  discount on given sections????--------你给我个secion,我返回discount值吗?每个seciton记录可以有一个discount属性吗?(为什么第三列说discount体现在不同secion的内容上?还跟deep有关?discout到底是seciton的field吗?什么叫跟deep有关??
  2. 是不是说设成discount了的内容必须全站可见?啥意思?------应该就是说跟着内容走的,内容在多个地方出现的话,多个地方都应该被打折。
    1. but this service don't care that if a video belongs to a section, right? ( I believe so)
  3. 一个内容有多个打折,拣选多大的那个有效。(对应一个getPromoBydateAndSection的功能),日期的比较问题。
  4. 演员片酬不受打着影响。但是如果演员自己设置了打折,那么片酬受影响。
  5. for frontend
  6. we have supplied a findAll method.
  7. the find all need to support sorting.
  8. What is section means?不同的section的promo可以在时间上有重叠,但同一个section的promo不可以在时间上重叠。--------听起来好像section有点像“本周最佳影片”这种“栏目”,可以确定每个promo都有起始时间和结束时间概念。
  9. 然而“有的section是由profiles组成,这句话如何理解?有个section有很多个profile?给这个section设置promo的话,所有这些profile的video和photo就都会被降价?
  10. show to logged-out 字段不知道是个什么鬼(不重要)
  11. chose image from back log-----this means we need to remember all uploaded images belongs to each by asking strapi?
  12. countdownTimer is a field?----I think it should be dynamicly calculated.
  13. ------------------------------------------------
  14. image fields means what? image in each area need what kind of format? how to connect the section promo and image?
  15. ====================================
  16. when front end calling the endpoint, should includ userId and userRole, right?  (because each section promo contains VIP and Show to Logged-out field)
  17. Front end will use json string to contains the field content, OK? (because our photo upload service is already in this format, the benefit is that we don't maintain to many endpoints.
  18. how does "Choose Image from Backlog" works? user will have 26 file chooser button on page? (because in the database, each section promo record has 26 fields mapping to these  images url?
  19. what does Section (also category) looks like? is it customizable or it's enum? and ?   
  20. how front end will know the price of a content? how to identify all the relavent section of the content?
  21. what the back office (admin page) looks like?  why when want to see only active record need to switch to another page. so do the scheduled
  22. what does the deep means? why discounts will appliy on content base on secions and base on how deep?
-- Sam 19:08 06/05/2021
-- Sam 09:10 20/04/2021
首先review Andriy的unitest

pco lab apply 页面
-- Sam 09:02 25/03/2021
总的计划? 还没看到,但是好歹知道了我们是COSEMTL组,但是不知道为啥,所有的document现在都放在了Reality Next Generation 下了,合格Reality Next Generation是个什么鬼?是COSE组的一个项目吗?还是说我们转到了Reality组去了。不管了,暂时理解成COSE针对Reality的一个项目吧。

-- Sam 16:52 24/03/2021
  1.  last friday, mainly catch up the work by reading the wiki page of Andri, meeting with front end to understand the flow.
  2. figure out the schema from front end specification.
  3. tried to find out how to upload to the content server(while seems adtool do not upload image onto content server, will check with Richard on Monday.
  4. will start to generate a sprint boot project and process the images uploaded.

-- Sam 18:55 07/03/2021
 localhost:8080 (strapi) admin account [email protected]/Mindgeek1
-- Sam 19:34 28/02/2021
 为什么这个叫strapi的拷贝起来这么慢? 可能因为里面有78,194个文件的缘故吧?太他妈的多了。这个怎么办?我把文件下载到本地总要给个名字吧,要不就叫app?兴许还能快点,但是还有个问题就是那些被filter掉的文件的.gitIgnore 和 系统的ignore会不会冲突啊?

试试加elastic search plugin会产生什么文件为什么我用tao的账户能登录呢?一定是因为我把我的用户信息输入到数据里面的原因!!!!必须改成root root
[email protected] password:CMStrapi1


-- Sam 20:17 24/02/2021
  1. 首先一个问题是IDE里显示的错误,愣是识别不了java类里的package路径。
    1. 这个可能问题不大,毕竟我的另一个IDE窗口,打开到了back-end-spring一级,那个窗口里面也有路径问题,但是不影响程序以app调试运行起来。
  2. 其次是虽然能够通过cloud codedebug运行起来,但是断点不停。。。。
  3. 另外注意到了一个奇怪的现象,就是用scaffold -run跑的话,是同时跑三个程序,都在locahost:8080端口,然后三个服务开在了不同的路径下,就是说war被解压到各自的文件夹下了。----而如果用cloud code运行的话,那么三个应用会被解压到3个不同的端口了,也就是说启动了3个不同的tomcat。这个究竟是通过什么胚子来做到的呢?
  4. 这运行或者调试的过程是怎么控制的呢?

  5. 这个cloud code的构建不行啊,每次都不过,后来我是在dos下运行了mvn clean install然后再回到Intellij用cloud code才编译了过去。

-- Sam 08:41 26/01/2021
local环境配置(最好用adminitor身份运行power shell)
  1. 安装chocolatery,用来一键安装多个软件:
  2. 一键安装skaffold, helm, docker-desktop,istioctl, gcloudsdk, choco upgrade kubernetes-helm skaffold docker-desktop git istioctl gcloudsdk -y
  3. configure the installed softwares
    1. docker-desktop
      1. Enable Kubernetes
      2. Install Docker Desktop WSL 2(recommanded)
      3. make sure kubectl is targeting local cluster(kubectl config use-context docker-desktop)
    2. Istio configuration (WIP)
      1. istioctl install --set profile=demo
      2. kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
  4. 在项目下运行skaffold run --tail(不加--tail也可以。
  5. visit http://localhost.
-- Sam 15:16 20/01/2021
  1. 像adtool这样的程序,为什么要做一个ladp service,
  2. 这个ldap 有点奇怪,它并不提供endpoint api,它只是提供配置,并实现AbstractLdapAuthenticationProvider抽象类 by implementation two methods of it.
  3. 但是如果你这个service并不提供endPoint,那么你这个service有什么用?难道是用这个方法来over write一个远程servcie吗?(远程service的endPoint被调用,转而调用你这个service来改写某些行为?
    1. 那么要看,看adtool的前端是发送请求到本地的ladp端口了没有。
-- Sam 04:31 20/01/2021
 today will got idea about:
  1.  what auth0 can do?
    1. user no need to remember a new user/password, can login with any existing account, and you can then get users profile on other platform.
    2. make your api support visit control, visit through OAuth2.0
    3. SSO
    4. make javascript or app front end encrypt request to backend.
    5. make web app support SAML certificate.
      1. SAML is a framework used between IDP and SP
      2. SP redirect un authenticated request to IDP, IDP give a webpage to let user select a way to login, then IDP return SP with a "authentication assertion"
      3. SAML is a standard SSO form. it's an xml which is digital signed, so no need to put password inside, I guess only a "passed" inside?
      4. it's sandard, feeling more friendly, more safe and it also make directory login in more easy. it make the sp save no acount info.
    6. sending a one time password to user when they forgot password.
    7. stop user's login untile he reset the password.
    8. avoid DDod attack, because you can stop it if it faill many time in a line
    9. support multifactor authentiation
    10. full fill the on going standard of security
  2.  and how to use it?
  3.  and how to build and run the demo application.
    1. how to deploy a service to local docker by the command line and scadfold.

-- Sam 10:16 19/01/2021

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