新的tiket,如何纳入一个新的cost。我们目前是说如果有cost,我们认为是有external cost。那么按照目前的讨论,我们必须纳入cost type,从而可以实现cost字段的内容可以用来放不同的内容。(we don't need cost type)目前的state表中没有cost type字段,只有cost字段能不能left link个其他的表,来获得cost type字段?first need to know如果有raw ipression,有cost,那么一定是tjcost,那么这个cost要当作cpm看待。如果没有raw impression,有unique_goal,和cost,那么一定是external_cost这个cost要当做total来看待。如果没有cost,那么一定是cpm cost,那么从cpm表里面取cpm。測試,確保無誤測試下stage,確保新代碼和staging的field能正確生成報告。------其實不用,因爲Report好像不涉及到新代碼和新數據如何保證發佈到prod不會引起問題呢?先在stage上測試一下。看報告有沒有正常顯示?因爲stage有cost字段顯示在報告中。讓stage上的報告格式跟prod保持一致。提交代碼可能要問一下Richard,是否要直接提交到develop?看來不應該只提交到branch。應該要發佈到stage,測試一下先。
Richard: 5149149241
Sam 04:07 10/06/2021
Sam 04:36 18/11/2020
我是不是應該用這個時間徹底把distribution的流程寫一下: What happend when we switch to distribution of a spot What happend when we deploy a spot?
Sam 05:28 29/10/2020
What did I learned from it?
Sam 05:24 22/10/2020
what's the problem now, we have proved there are logic in front end, expecilly CPA is specillay calculated, and need to be maintain. when I look into the code, found some of them can use cpj, and some can not, like the node? what do I want now? I want to fix the issue.
Sam 15:41 21/10/2020
AlertService line171 got wrong formula and need to check.
Sam 06:36 19/10/2020
Sam 14:00 13/10/2020