1. 新的tiket,如何纳入一个新的cost。
    1. 我们目前是说如果有cost,我们认为是有external cost。
    2. 那么按照目前的讨论,我们必须纳入cost type,从而可以实现cost字段的内容可以用来放不同的内容。(we don't need cost type)
      1. 目前的state表中没有cost type字段,只有cost字段
      2. 能不能left link个其他的表,来获得cost type字段?
      3. first need to know   
    3. 如果有raw ipression,有cost,那么一定是tjcost,那么这个cost要当作cpm看待。
    4. 如果没有raw impression,有unique_goal,和cost,那么一定是external_cost这个cost要当做total来看待。
    5. 如果没有cost,那么一定是cpm cost,那么从cpm表里面取cpm。
  2. 測試,確保無誤
    1. 測試下stage,確保新代碼和staging的field能正確生成報告。------其實不用,因爲Report好像不涉及到新代碼和新數據
    2. 如何保證發佈到prod不會引起問題呢?
      1. 先在stage上測試一下。看報告有沒有正常顯示?因爲stage有cost字段顯示在報告中。
      2. 讓stage上的報告格式跟prod保持一致。

  3. 提交代碼
    1. 可能要問一下Richard,是否要直接提交到develop?看來不應該只提交到branch。
    2. 應該要發佈到stage,測試一下先。
Richard:  5149149241
-- Sam 04:07 10/06/2021

-- Sam 04:36 18/11/2020
What happend when we switch to distribution of a spot 
What happend when we deploy a spot?
-- Sam 05:28 29/10/2020
 What did I learned from it?
  1. now do I know the work flow from font end to back end?
    1. front end, there's router.js, 
    2. there's html file, 
    3. there's traffic-distribution-graph.js------where difined a lot of methods including calculateCPA
    4. there are js file like customCalculator.js under rest folder, where we can find the font end url and backend 
  2. any way, now I feel I can debug the whole application from front end to back end.
  3. the only thing is that I don't know how delivery not work (displaying the debug page) but I don't think it will stop me from learning how the advertisement works.
-- Sam 05:24 22/10/2020
what's the problem now, we have proved there are logic in front end, expecilly CPA is specillay calculated, and need to be maintain. when I look into the code, found some of them can use cpj, and some can not, like the node?

what do I want now?
I want to fix the issue.
  1. mark out all the place
  2. understand why can not use node.cpj?
    1. wait a second, why the node doesn't has cpj, where has the cpj go since it leave the back end?
    2. the cpj is only for the over all?
      1. ok so we know metricsObj has cpj inside.
      2. 還真就怪了,getOverallStats這個爛方法搜索時說12個地方用到,但都沒有用“cpa”這個參數的,可是事實上就是有人用cpa調到了呢,這説明啥?inttellij的refered by不可信!!!!!!!!!
      3. 那不管他了,至少who ever has called this mothod owned the right object who contains cpj! while who has called the method????? dead end!
    3. 所以問題的原因找到了,就是仍然是因爲有些node在postgres中已經不存在了
  3. use cpj or something else
  4. paint out the big picture, how the traffic-distribution-graph.js is introduced...
  5. ---------------------------------------------
  6. 然後把灰板給塞到洗衣房去
  7. 買點小釘子,吧最後一個縫隙給堵上
  8. 弄點木方吧洗衣房灰板給定高點。
  9. 今晚把厨房刷個藍色
    1. 貼保護
    2. 刷漆
-- Sam 15:41 21/10/2020
 AlertService line171 got wrong formula and need to check.
-- Sam 06:36 19/10/2020
  1. ecpm in down area
  2. cpa in down area.
  3. crt/ecpm/cpa should be average.
-- Sam 14:00 13/10/2020

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