1. 线程状态类型
  2. 1. 新建状态(New):新创建了一个线程对象。
    2. 就绪状态(Runnable):线程对象创建后,其他线程调用了该对象的start()方法。该状态的线程位于可运行线程池中,变得可运行,等待获取CPU的使用权。
    3. 运行状态(Running):就绪状态的线程获取了CPU,执行程序代码。
    4. 阻塞状态(Blocked):阻塞状态是线程因为某种原因放弃CPU使用权,暂时停止运行。直到线程进入就绪状态,才有机会转到运行状态。阻塞的情况分三种:
    5. 死亡状态(Dead):线程执行完了或者因异常退出了run()方法,该线程结束生命周期。
  3. sychronized and lock
    1. sychornized should be as small as possible, only the code when the variable start to change, then we should sychronize the instance(Object), mean no one else can access the properties of current install (this), because if they do, they will get a a wrong value.
    2. while lock I guess is only the related object which will change value, others can still access other properties of the instance(the this), ---am I right?

-- Sam 05:06 16/11/2019

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