this is a concept provement for generatin a world to better what God did for our world.
- I feel it's highly possible that we are actually nothing but programmed code piecese.
- so can we user code piece to generate a super simple world too?
- Version1 Single node.=====================================
- the JVM will be the word.
- a thread will be a life.
- the thread try to behave like a humen:
- it occupy memory space, while when it's died, jvm will recollect it. like humen use space, when they die, God will collect them.
- each thread extens from a human class.
- humans should have what property and what behavor? (money, reference to google instance, connection to other human)
- there's rules from the
- Version2 network mode====================================
- the Server Side app and database is the the world.
- each record in human table will be a human.
Sam 23:05 19/02/2017