Nichostyle is designed to help kid study English words and Chinese.
Basically, when kid type write word which appeared on screen, he/she will got prize.
level 1:
subject: familliar with the key board.
content: 1/low case characters. 2  upcase cahracters. 3 mixed case characters. 4 mixed case characters and numbers.
rule: when kid type the right key, a stone, dora and boots appear and say stop!, then fox stop, and the character become a  "+1" and rise up to top. then the total score on top ++1. then fox chase another character again.
when the toltal number is bigger than customized level 1 number. display a score base on the time spend, then start the second level.

level 2:
subject:know the spell with the simple words
content:: fox chasing the words. when the word is typed correctly, dora and boots come up and stop the fox. then the word become a picture and fade out. the total score + 2.
rule: get the study list from db. then 1/go over all the first time. 2/go over the wrong ones for the second round. 3 go with faster speed.

level 3:
subject: let the kid know spell
content: 1/fox chase the picture. with the character notice. with last character missing.  2 with 2 character missing. 3 with 3 character missing. 4 with more character missing... with all mising.


for Chinese:
display pin yin, when typed pin yin, then display the Chinese and the picture.

-- Sam 02:52 10/07/2014

By today, I've published it onto
TODO next:
  1. the location of the some div, e.g. the input field div should not use absolut postion, because the screen of different user and not same, we should keep it display on the button.
  2. the javascript dosen't work in my chrome.
  3. should start to think about the second version-- how to allow user to customized the words to learn.
-- Sam 02:00 11/05/2014
level1, 字符输入正确后,字符应与dora一起消失,然后显示在顶部。全部都上去后,开始玩砸小狐狸游戏。砸中一次得一分,直到全部字符用完为止。
-- Sam 02:01 11/05/2014
 Looks like 悟空学单词很好啊,

  • 把东西作愤怒的小鸟,去砸小狐狸?太难,还是做成石头容易。算了,石头都不做了,就先直接用字符算了。
    • 小狐狸在最下边左右移动
    • 图片在上边排一排,如果有一个掉下去了,则通过向右移动来补位(算了,也 别补位了,反正每次学习的单词有限,不会占满屏幕)。
    • 键入一个词,相应的图片就掉下来,如果砸到狐狸,狐狸就(一个特定图片显示痛苦)痛苦状,然后加一分。
    • 全部砸完,则视情况决定升级与否。五颗星表示升级成功!
-- Sam 02:03 11/05/2014
The provement of concept is done, then a huge task of design is needed for this project, including:
  1. How to input the words and images
    1. browse button, an input field and a dropdown menu are needed, the input field if for the name of the picture. it's ok that if user have to input name first then upload the picture later. dropdown menu are used to set the language type. For Chinese, we use 汉语拼音。 
    2. all regestered parents are able to add image and words. We can use service view to list each image and click it to start to modify it, including add a word and a language type.
      data structure:
      imageId-----word----languageType-----category(like, animal, tool, .....)----author Id------
    3. non login user can play from level 1 or select a level by themselves.
    4. when open one's page, that means we are playing in his/her customized programe. if we open mainPage, it display 4 different kind of game to choose: 1,for familiar with key boards, 2, for study English words, 3 for study French words, 4 for Study Chinese.
    5. when choosed one, it will use all the 
  2. How to define a programe?
    1. Selecting words for defferent levels?
      1. can select word uploaded by all other parents.
  3. How to do system management?
    1. should be able to improve the image or text uploaded by other parents, while it need to be proved by the other parent if the language type is already defined by some parent.
    2. .
  4. How to do account management?
    1. for login user (I suppose the parent will sign for kids, and will set the level as "kid"), we'll display his level and score on top-right cornner.
    2. for login user, we start the game from his current level.

-- Sam 00:59 02/05/2014
I am working on level 1 now. yesterday, I finished the simplest version, the pirze part, I used, title), and opened a dora vedio, which porved to be a disaster. because the kid got crazy immediatly when they know that after the game, there's a dora video.
-- Sam 09:21 30/04/2014

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